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The New York Economic Development Partnership is a Certified Community Development Entity (US Treasury) that provides incentives to companies that are either creating jobs or investing in a Low-Income Community.  The incentives include a transferable US tax credit equal to 39% of the investment being made.  Additional state tax credits of up to 70% of the investment may also be available. 

Our Governing Board includes the Economic Development Corporations of the outer boroughs of New York City, represented by their Directors:

Brooklyn - The Local Development Corporation of East New York (Bill Wilkins, Director)

Queens - Rockaway Development and Revitalization Corporation (Curtis Archer, Executive Director)

Staten Island - Staten Island Economic Development Corporation (Jay Anderson, Associate Director)

Our Governing Board also includes several representatives of the business community, including the largest employers in the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island.



For more information, contact:  Paul Khanton  khanton@nyedp.com

or call: (631) 474-1151


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